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AAEA 2015 Conference
AAEA is excited to announce our Keynote Speakers:


Eric M.Scott and David R. Modler are the Journal Fodder Junkies.  This dynamic duo are artists, educators, authors, and internationally recognized experts on the visual journal. They have presented at state, national, and international conferences and conventions, and they have provided workshops at artist retreats and other venues across North America.

In 2010 their first book, The Journal Junkies Workshop, was released by North Light Books, and quickly became a bestseller in the mixed media community. Feeling like they had not exhausted their ideas on the visual journal, they wrote a follow up, Journal Fodder 365. Released at the end of July 2012, Journal Fodder 365 has quickly become a bestseller as well.

The Journal Fodder Junkies will be present a Keynote address on:

Tactics and Targets: What are we aiming for?

Are you looking to shift from teacher-directed projects to more open-ended and student-driven processes? Are you wanting to implement creative safe spaces that invite students to fully engage in authentic art making? Do you want to honor your students as artists and allow room for their ideas and input?
Eric and David share the journey from a project-based, teacher-dictated classroom to a skills-based, student-directed studio. Discover simple ideas on how to shift from recipe, cookie-cutter projects to a self-directed curriculum and open your practice so students are finding their own direction instead of simply following yours. Practical experiences and concrete examples will be shared.
This talk will focus on the following topics:
  • Standardization vs. Individualization
  • Student as Artist
  • Using the Visual Journal as a Spring Board
  • Giving up Control
  • Creating the Conditions for Authentic Experiences

They will also provide a hands - on workshop for all conference participants on Friday afternoon.

For more information on The Journal Fodder Junkies visit there website at:

The Journal Fodder Junkies will have a designated time during conference to sign books.  However you must purchase your book in advance and bring it to conference.

To purchase a book please click here.