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26th Annual MEEA Conference

Nominate an Environmental Educator to be recognize statewide today! 
During the annual conference, we want to share and appreciate the amazing work that's being done in our state. Help us recognize the great educators and organizations today by nominating someone you know to receive an award. 
    Educator’s Award: This award is presented to a professional educator who has demonstrated service and     leadership in the field of environmental education.

Business Award: This award is presented to the business or organization that has done the most to aid, support and/or promote environmental education in Montana over the past year.

Student Award: This award is presented to a middle or high school student who has shown outstanding academic achievement, has undertaken significant research in the field of environmental education, or has been involved in some significant environmental education effort.

Sense of Wonder Award: This award is reserved for the person who most promotes creative learning and joyful experiences in the natural world in a nonformal setting.

Service to MEEA:  This award will be presented to an individual who has done the most during the past year to advance MEEA and its mission.

Applications available here!


 Come to the Social on 
Thursday, March 9th from 6:00pm to 7:30pm!

Can't make it to the 26th Annual MEEA Conference? We would still love to see you at the Social and Awards Ceremony on the evening of Thursday, March 9th! This casual gathering is a networking opportunity and celebration of Environmental Education in Montana, plus a chance to play and explore ExplorationWorks Science Center in Helena! 
Attendees are welcome to invite any interested educators, formal or informal, regardless of whether they attend the conference! Doors open at 5:30 pm, light snacks and beverages will be served, and your children are welcome. ExplorationWorks will be open until 7:30 for this event only. Email questions to Lauren Rivers at