Florida Caribbean Students' Association's 49th Leadership Conference

The Florida Atlantic University, (CSA) is honored to host the 49th Annual Leadership Conference of the Florida Caribbean Students Association.
  • Thursday, April 3, 2025 to Sunday, April 6, 2025  
About You
  • * = Required

  • * = Required

  • Letters & Spaces Only

  • Numbers Only
  • * Would you consider being on the FCSA Executive Board for the upcoming school year?
FCSA Sessions * = Required

  • A minimum of 2 options must be selected from across all groups.

  • FCSA Activities
    Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
    Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

    Date: Saturday, April 5, 2025
    Time: 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

Waivers & Liability
  • *

    Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement In exchange for attending and participating in the Florida Caribbean Students Association 2025 Conference at the Florida Atlantic University (FAU) in Boca Raton, Florida, Thursday, April 3rd, 2025, to Sunday, April 6th, 2025 ("the Conference"), I agree not to sue: the Florida Atlantic University, its officers, employees, and agents; Florida Atlantic University , Caribbean Students Association, its directors, officers and agents; · Florida Caribbean Students Association (FCSA), its directors, officers, members, and agents · Any volunteers of Florida Atlantic University or FCSA present at the Conference and I release all those listed above from liability for any and all claims, including claims of personal injury, accidents, or illnesses (including death) and property loss arising from my participation in the Conference. I understand that participation in the Conference carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. I am participating freely, and I understand that I assume all ordinary inherent risks. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless: the Florida Atlantic University, its officers, employees and agents; Florida Atlantic University Caribbean Students Association (CSA), its directors, officers and agents; · Florida Caribbean Students Association (FCSA), its directors, officers, members, and agents · Any volunteers of the Florida Atlantic University or FCSA present at the Conference from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liability, including attorney's fees brought as a result of my involvement in the Conference and to reimburse them for any such expenses incurred.


    I agree that this waiver, assumption of risk and indemnification is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by Florida law and that if any part is held invalid, I agree that the remainder of this agreement shall continue in full legal force and effect. I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk and indemnity agreement, fully understand its terms, and understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue.

  • Letters & Spaces Only
We accept these cards Paypal

At least one purchase is required from among the items listed below
FCSA Tickets
Item Qty Amount Subtotal
This party package gives access to all 3 FCSA parties/events (Thursday, Friday & Saturday). This is for registered conference members only.  Only 1 party packet is allowed per registered member.
$ 20.00 $ 0.00
Subtotal   $ 0.00
  Online Convenience Fee  $ 0.00
Total  $ 0.00

Cancellation refund policy:


Cancellation refund policy: 

Registration fees and deposits are NON-REFUNDABLE. However, you may substitute someone in your place. All substitutions will incur a $20.00 penalty fee. All requests for registration changes, including substitutions, must be made to the Registration Coordinator by March 11th, 2025 via e-mail to
oradvisor.fcsa@gmail.com ATTN: Substitution/Cancellation.



Payment Notes