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MEEA Conference 2024 Keynote: 
Dr. Shane Doyle  

Dr. Shane Doyle (Apsáalooke), is a Montana-
based scholar, writer, performing artist, and community advocate whose work focuses on the deep history and cultural heritage of the Indigenous people of the Northern Great Plains. Doyle holds a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from Montana State University and completed a post-doctoral research appointment with the Centre for Geogenetics at the University of Copenhagen in 2016.  As a researcher and a curriculum designer, Shane has made dozens of lessons for Montana's public schools and continues to develop IEFA curriculum and other resources for teachers and students throughout the state and region.  Dr. Doyle helped lead the Yellowstone Revealed All-Nations Teepee Village in the summer of 2022 and is currently a full-time cultural consultant who lives in Bozeman.